You have probably witnessed that eating a healthy breakfast can save you from cravings later during the day and can actually assist your effort in loosing the excess weight you have been carrying around for some time now. But, as time has lately been considered a luxury not many people have during the day and especially during a busy weekday morning, starting the day off with eating a healthy breakfast is now a lost nutritional practice. Between battling work problems and prepare ourselves for another demanding day, we have forgotten to pay attention to the most important meal of the day and usually try to find time to squeeze in a cup of milk or in best cases a whole bowl of cereals. The contemporary fast-paced world has directed people to become superheroes, managing double of even triple careers, but forgetting to manage their own daily food intake. If you think that your body is the only instrument you have to continue performing all the tasks you want, perhaps it is time to pay attention to its nutritional needs and fulfill them accordingly.
But it is more convincing to start our argument from the beginning. Millions of people who skip breakfast and have never invested time in researching the consequences of their act, usually wonder why do experts regard breakfast as the most important meal of the day and how come it is still the most important meal of the day, surpassing the nutritional value of a healthy lunch or even dinner. However, for millions others who do eat a healthy breakfast, their secret to good health lies within this first day's meal. So, it is vital for you to understand why eating breakfast is crucial for your overall heath. While you are sleeping, your body continues to perform its functions and thus consuming resources, but in a lower rate than when you are awake since your metabolism slows down to compensate for the decreased energy needs. After waking up in the morning, because your body does not have enough time to return to its normal state is still experiencing the decreased metabolism state which can be ceased with eating a healthy breakfast. That is actually why it has this particular name "break" the "fasting" process. Thus, a healthy breakfast will end the calorie conservation period and will allow your metabolism to increase to its normal levels. This is why when you actually eat in the morning you feel that your energy levels have increased and you are ready to begin your day's tasks. Moreover, for those of you who are dieting in order to loose weight, you should know that skipping breakfast will not save you from the calories you are trying to avoid. By deciding not to begin your day with a healthy intake, you are not allowing your body's metabolism to go back to its normal state and you actually loose a protein called "leptin" that has been discovered to keep your body working efficiently and thus loosing weight.
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